Minimum wage increases for 10 awards in the aviation, hospitality and tourism industries

Following the Annual Wage Review 2021-22, the Fair Work Commission announced an increase to the National Minimum Wage from 1 July.

The commission ruled the increase would be delayed to October 1, 2022, in the aviation, tourism and hospitality sectors because of their slower recovery from the Covid recession.

What are the new minimum wage rates?

Other award wages, including junior, apprentice and supported wages that are based on adult minimum wages, get a proportionate increase.

1 October 2022 minimum wage increase

For 10 awards in the aviation, hospitality and tourism industries, the increase happened from the first full pay period on or after 1 October 2022. The affected awards are:




Grade 3 Hospitality Award employees

For Grade 3 employees receiving loaded rates under the Hospitality Award, there has been an adjustment of the loaded rate with an increase to apply from the first full pay period on or after 2 October 2022.

How we can help

We can advise you regarding all aspects of payroll preparation and compliance, making sure your calculations are correct and that you meet your deadlines and requirements.

We can file your in-year and year-end returns for you with ATO and provide you with PAYG withholding tax declarations to distribute to your employees at the year-end.

TaxAssist Accountants can also assist with:

The responsibilities faced by employers can be intimidating, but we can guide you through the processes, costs, calculations and deadlines and take care of everything for you. Call us on 0403 184 157 or make an enquiry here.



Last updated: 21st October 2022